[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (2024)

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Anonymous 1-09-2016 19:17

Low drop chance, bring a lot of shovels.


Anonymous 24-04-2017 12:11

im a lucky f*cker for getting it the first time behind Zobaldi's ass. lol

aduccineto 24-01-2021 17:22

It's not about drop chance, but about the right spot. Got it in the third try using the images above. It also worked for a guy that was trying in game after I tell him to come in the exactly spot where I was. He thanked me a lot!

Não se trata de chance, mas do lugar certo. Consegui na terceira tentativa usando as imagens acima. Também funcionou para um jogador que estava tentando dentro do jogo depois de eu ter dito a ele que viesse ao exato lugar em que eu estava. Ele me agradeceu muito!

Anonymous 3-09-2016 08:33

Dig at that exact location. You'll get it in one. Might need to shuffle around as the area seems to be super small.
[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (5)


Anonymous 3-09-2016 14:31

Thanks a lot! Spend 100+ energy digging in random other spots. One dig in this spot and got it.


Anonymous 3-09-2016 15:22

PERFECT! First dig and I got it

Anonymous 8-09-2016 22:54

Damn i got it first try thnx!

Anonymous 16-09-2016 04:06

First time to, thanks a lot !

Anonymous 28-09-2016 15:45

Amazing, works like a charm.

Anonymous 7-01-2017 22:14

Extremely helpful. Thanks.

Anonymous 3-02-2017 01:51

Thank you! that worked!

Anonymous 27-02-2017 00:49

You are the truth!

Anonymous 21-08-2017 02:33

even if it doesnt do it initially, keep shuffling around this spot and you will get it.

I got mine at around 20th shovel.

gugamesh 16-10-2018 23:49


juninxrox 8-03-2020 15:24


Phaenaria 29-06-2020 10:25

nice.. First Try at this Spot

chavestk 27-12-2020 15:50

love u

aduccineto 24-01-2021 17:18

Você é demais! Obrigado!

You are the best! Thank you!

ArrowVein 26-06-2023 05:40

Thank you so much! Finally decided to look it up after spending 100+ energy...

Anonymous 24-09-2016 21:39

Amazing just stand as shown and it works thx

Anonymous 15-10-2016 20:32

Thank you I found it on first dig.

Anonymous 8-11-2016 21:52

Koris, thank. Нашёл с 2 лопаты.

Anonymous 10-04-2017 13:37

Чтобы выкопать сундучок Элизы, прибегаем к Джовади в пустыню, разворачиваемся спиной к нему (смотрим на север) и по правую руку на кромке круга видим обломки золотые. Копаем возле них. Джовади тянет из песка золотую птицу, и обломки тоже имеют вид такой же. https://gamenet.ru/users/400019000161199190/post/22H0ev/


Anonymous 8-08-2017 01:38

Thank you

nhatapd123 13-04-2020 17:12

thank you

nhatapd123 13-04-2020 17:13

thank you

Anonymous 12-10-2017 07:00

Below is a top-down view of the previous image, so you can pinpoint the exact spot easier. It needs to be pretty precise.
[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (31)


Anonymous 20-10-2017 03:22


Anonymous 26-11-2017 02:47

Best Screen n1 , first try , thx man [Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (34)

Vigmed 10-01-2021 07:37

I want to add that it was outside the yellow quest circle on the mini-map. At least for me. Keep trying around the area in the above pic.

aduccineto 24-01-2021 17:19

Você é demais! Obrigado!

You are the best! Thank you!

Anonymous 20-10-2017 03:29

[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (38)


Anonymous 23-10-2017 05:30

[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (40)
Got it here


EvilLivesHere 21-01-2018 13:26

Perfect, got it first try.

Anonymous 4-12-2017 03:13

Got the quest item on my 6th try while having my spirit life stone popped for the +10% gathering item drop chance. Bring a life stone if you can.


xinom 5-12-2019 21:36

[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (44)


battouken 12-05-2020 03:18


Azo4ka 11-02-2021 19:22

в 2020 году квест меняли.
скрин тык


novvel 27-03-2021 16:24

Благодарю, только тут и выкопалось

BsLee 20-03-2021 13:43


InsideGameTips 5-05-2021 00:37

In this video, I will show you more precisely where to dig.

Neste vídeo, vou mostrar mais precisamente onde cavar.

[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (50)



zaynah 9-09-2021 22:42

1. BRING A COMPASS (buy one from Ellie at any major city, near stable).
2. Zoom in your minimap to max.
3. Looking west, check the position of the cone in relation to the yellow circle.
4. Notice the upper part of the vision cone touching the circle, but not the lower part.
5. Check position of your marker on minimap, a bit outside the circle and a bit below the middle of the circle.

[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (52)


Tormart 24-06-2022 10:58

Many thanks, was looking for a detailed explanation like this

Pohjantikka 30-06-2023 07:33

Video Guide for correct location find and spot to dig with high chance of getting coin dated 2023:
Guide to find location = https://youtu.be/hCvGJS0KOmk?t=3647
Guide to dig correct/easy spot = https://youtu.be/hCvGJS0KOmk?t=3850

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[Valencia's Treasure] Moving Ahead (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5853

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.