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Anonymous 2-09-2016 00:22
Move into the middle of the quest circle, then move in north-eastern direction. If you see an object appearing and disappearing (graphic bug), dig there. If not, dig in the north-eastern corner just a few steps away from the edge of the circle and move a bit around. If you are on the right spot, you will get a coin atleast every 5 shovels.
Anonymous 2-09-2016 05:19
Anonymous 8-09-2016 23:55
Thnx man got all 5 in 20+ energy
Anonymous 16-09-2016 16:11
Confirmed, thanks !
Anonymous 18-11-2016 03:42
Amazing thank you this works great
Anonymous 7-02-2017 03:22
Thank you! works!
Anonymous 19-03-2017 20:02
got them all with around 10 energy. It works
Anonymous 13-08-2017 14:44
This position is outdated.
Anonymous 2-09-2016 15:54
thanks! wasted a lot of energy before looking this up
Anonymous 4-09-2016 19:03
this spot on screenshot suprisingly works , got 5 in like 10 digs.. or less, while I spent 10+ on other loc and nothing
Anonymous 7-09-2016 10:53
100 energy at that spot and nothing, counting up.
Anonymous 15-09-2016 20:28
It could be a bit outside of the quest area. On this screenshot my camel stands on the spot where you can dig up coins. I'm on the spot where you can see graphical glitch mentioned by L33tfr0g. As you can't see it from anywhere else it should help to find correct location in desert.
This screenshot helped me to find out where to dig:
Anonymous 18-03-2017 00:53
Thank you, this screenshot really helped (none of the others worked for me). I couldn't get the graphic glitch to appear for me, but adjusting the scaling on my map to match this shot, then running to the spot where the horse is worked perfectly. I'd also like to add that, after you get your first coin, the quest area appears to increase. DO NOT MOVE FROM WHERE YOU ARE ONCE YOU GET A COIN. Just keep digging in the same spot.
Anonymous 1-10-2016 00:42
in den Kreis bewegen dann zum Berg wie auf dem Screen drehen dann auf die Markierungen rechts im Bild achten, die tauchen nur 1 sec. auf, dann ungefähr den Punkt wie auf dem Screen ansteuern. Ihr müsst 5 mal graben um 1 Münze zubekommen. Wenn die Postion richtig ist erhaltet ihr nach 5 mal graben genau 1 Münze, wenn ihr nichts bekommt stimmt der Ort wo ihr grabt nicht.
Achtung ihr findet den Schatz NICHT in dem gelben Kreis, ich grabt ausserhalb.
Anonymous 1-12-2016 00:52
I've already spent more than 100 shovels, using screenshot, and trying other spots, got nothig! Completely nothing..
Has anyone done this quest on russian server?
Anonymous 4-12-2016 23:31
Spent 3 days digging all desert in and out. Today, finally I've found those coins. Found them exactly where the graphic bug was mentioned before.. Thanks to everyone for your guides, I don't think I would make it without you guys!
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Anonymous 18-12-2016 23:05
Figured out another trick. Stand near this spot, and open your chat window and type /reloadui - it's a command to refresh your UI. You will see a ? mark appear over the spot where you need to dig on your minimap. It only appears for a short time.
Anonymous 11-04-2017 12:48
Необходимо встать лицом в сторону Валенсии (лицом на север), по правую руку у вас должны быть руины Гистрии. На краю круга (на 2 часа) нужно копать
Anonymous 23-04-2017 02:58
quest circle is smaller now while the spot remains in the same location - so now it is outside the quest circle.
Anonymous 26-04-2017 01:56
This one worked great for me because I can't see the graphic bugs. I just went with the minimap on this one and located the spot via the sand dune lines on the minimap.
Anonymous 29-04-2017 14:59
This worked, BUT i had to change the server first! ....EU_Mediah5 just wouldn't give me any coins at all, spent 60 shovels before changing. But then I found all coins within 15 shovels at this spot!
Anonymous 23-04-2017 23:35
The korean pic worked nice, took while to get first two then it was very fast.
Anonymous 26-04-2017 08:44
Anonymous 5-05-2017 22:53
Thank you alot for the picture , worked just fine for me!
Anonymous 7-07-2017 00:57
THIS helped a lot! All you have to do is make a screenshot and draw those lanes to correct your location.
Anonymous 11-07-2017 05:07
THANK YOU! I got it thx to your lines!
Anonymous 13-07-2017 14:58
Anonymous 13-07-2017 16:33
Looks like they fixed it being outside. This is the correct spot now adays
Anonymous 21-07-2017 11:53
This is the correct location as of July 2017 (after the patch that changed/corrected the location). I got 5 coins on 8 shovels (without moving), so it's not 100%. But this is the correct location.
Anonymous 21-08-2017 04:06
Worked for me. Thanks!
Anonymous 24-09-2017 15:08
this is working today , used like 10 shovels on the spot, if u find the first coin just stand there and dig more and u will get all
Anonymous 20-10-2017 07:24
Seems that is the Correct Location, Cheers man, and Ty !
Anonymous 26-11-2017 04:32
n1 , first try , Nov2k17
Anonymous 16-07-2017 20:39
En ce qui me concerne, je me suis juste mis au centre de la zone de quête et j'ai eu les 5 pièces. (Serveur EU)
Ps: sur la version fr, il est noté d'avoir une seule pièce mais il en faut 5
Anonymous 21-07-2017 20:00
After the update of 19/07, the spot is right in the middle of the circle.
Anonymous 20-09-2017 03:12
thanks, is easy now!
Anonymous 28-07-2017 19:36
I submitted a report about this quest and a GM told me the exact spot. This would probably have changed since all these original postings so if you are doing this quest and this post is with-in a couple months please try it.
If you don't want to read that it pretty much just says "DIG IN THE EXACT CENTER OF THE CIRCLE!"
Saves you time and a ton of energy. Keep in mind that it may still take 1-3 digs in one spot before you get the first coin, but once you get 1 coin there just stay in that exact spot.
Anonymous 1-09-2017 19:11
Got the 5 on like 10 shovel by digging in the exact middle of the circle
Anonymous 1-10-2017 01:05
This worked! Dead center in the circle will give you the coins. I got all 5 within about 20 shovels. I have been trying for 2 days to finish this quest, looking everywhere for help. All other locations aside from this one are outdated.
Anonymous 5-10-2017 03:09
9 shovels, 5 coins ty
Anonymous 22-11-2017 05:23
Confirmed center of the circle work as in 11/21/2017
Anonymous 29-11-2017 12:02
thanks !!
Vigmed 10-01-2021 08:54
Still works in the center. As others say, it does take a few tries to get all 5. Just repeat on the center.
SammyBDO 22-03-2021 17:25
22/03/21 works
ggloner 19-03-2022 00:40
Still working 19-March-2022
Hilk0669 20-03-2023 23:37
Still working 2023 March 20.
Anonymous 2-08-2017 10:42
Anonymous 23-11-2017 01:57
To accurately locate the centre of the yellow marker circle, expand the mini-map as much as it will go, then use the vision circle to align the two circles to get the exact centre first time.
The Golden Desert Coin doesn't drop every dig so just keep digging in the same spot once you get one and you will get the five required eventually. Took me 26 digs to get my five.
battouken 13-05-2020 01:36
Video en Español
Chris_Hisss 20-08-2020 22:06
Center of circle worked for me last night. 12 shovels
Leeby 12-09-2020 19:05
Ровно в центре круга капать. Выкапывается не всё сразу, а с неким шансом. Запаситесь лопатами. Мне хватило 20 штук.
GoodSamaritan20 15-12-2020 20:57
Because the answers here are all quite old I wanted to share my experience:
1) As said by others, find the centre of the circle - by zooming all the way in on the minimap.
2) Dig here, I found a coin instantly.
Repeat digs did not give me coins
3) Move a tiny bit then dig again
Every time after moving (still in the very centre) I had a coin on first tap.
4) Repeat until done.
I got the first 3 using 8 shovels, and completed the last 2 by using the above steps and only 2 shovels. Another person that was there tried the same and immediately got 2 coins, vs 0 when randomly digging.
Chelibass 30-08-2021 12:16
Ty, worked for me. Though for me repetitive digs worked, got all 5 in 6-7 digs.
aduccineto 24-01-2021 18:05
Just position yourself RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the yellow circle that's appearing in the minimap.
Start digging.
It took me 8 attempts do collect all the 5 items.
Ydorea 11-10-2021 16:32
For this quest it was simple :
Take 3 energy potions (which gives you 50 EP maybe you'll need more than 1 if the RNG decides to annoy you) if you are around 10/XXX, buy 100 shovels to Purajin, go to the center of the quest circle, dig, click on repeat and wait until the quest is completed.
Simple as child's play.
Pohjantikka 30-06-2023 07:31
Video Guide of the spot dated 2023:
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