6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (2024)

The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water

I personally drink alkaline water everyday because its benefits are numerous. Also, it tastes significantly better than tap water.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (1)However, the claims that alkaline water helps to cure serious illnesses is one step too far.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (2)For a start, I can NOT find any hard scientific evidence or research data to support these claims.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (3)Yes, it is true that many diseases thrive in high acidity environments. But the conclusion that alkaline water and alkaline food products will cure this are unfounded.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (4)Alkaline water can not fix an unhealthy lifestyle or any serious health issues.

6 Alkaline Water Benefits

Let’s not waste any time and get straight to it. Here are 6 solid benefits of alkaline water in the human body that show why the ‘alkaline water benefit’ is a real thing.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (5)

1. Alkaline Water is Full of Antioxidants

Why do you need antioxidants?

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (6)Because they help our bodies protect themselves from things called free radicals.

Free radicals are small clusters of atoms that can hurt our immune system.

A compromised immune system can lead to everything from different illnesses to infections. You can get free radicals from different sources like pollution, cigarette smoke and even some household products.

Your body is able to fight free radicals with the help of antioxidants. This is where alkaline water comes in.

It provides you with an easy way to get extra antioxidants into your diet. Ingesting it through water also means that it is more soluble and easy for your body to absorb.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (7)

2. Alkaline Helps The pH Levels In Your Body

Make no mistake, the body does a pretty good job of trying to maintain the alkaline-acid balance in your blood. However, there are times when your body is overwhelmingly acidic. Perhaps at times when you’re stressed or eating fast foods with high acidity?

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (8)Sadly all the things you enjoy in the average modern diet tend to increase the acidity in your body.

Fatty meats, processed sugar, coffee, cheese, soft drinks, smoking and alcohol will make your body overly acidic.

A high pH level in your body can lead to your cells not being able to function at optimum levels. Also, your body will be working over time to restore the alkaline-acid balance.

Diseases and infections thrive in high acid bodies.

The best cure is always prevention by eating less of the bad stuff and reducing stress. However, regularly sipping on alkaline water can also help restore your pH balance.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (9)

3. Alkaline Water = Better Hydration

When it comes to hydration, drinking plain water does a pretty good job.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (10)However, alkaline water brings some added benefits too.

This is because it has a smaller molecular content, which makes it that much easier for your body to absorb.

Alkaline water hydrates but also adds extra neutralising compounds into the mix. The different types of naturally ionized minerals are also able to help with blood circulation.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (11)

4. Boosts The Immune System

One great way to both maintain an boost your immune system is to keep your body in an alkaline state. You can typically do this by improving your diet and eating alkaline rich foods like avocados.

Drinking alkaline water will also help with this body neutralizing effect. Maintaining a neutral state will create a hostile environment for free radicals, which is very good for your immune system.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (12)

5. Alkaline Water & Weight Loss?

Let me just start by saying there is very good evidence to suggest drinking more water helps you lose weight. (Read: The TRUTH Behind The 30 Day Water Challenge For Weight Loss)

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (13)Some studies show that drinking water 30 minutes before a meal is enough to make you lose a few extra pounds. This is without changing what you eat, doing extra exercise or even reducing your portion size.

You can multiply these results by increasing your alkaline water intake.

This is because the alkaline water benefit means your body stops creating fat cells in order to neutralize the acid.

Especially the acid generated by the bad junk foods you eat. In other words, keeping your body neutral will help you lose weight because it also reduces your ‘fat storage space’.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (14)

6. Alkaline Water Benefits By Detoxing The Body

A primary benefit of drinking plain water is that it helps you flush out toxins. Toxins that can eventually become the origins of illnesses and diseases down the line.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (15)This is why almost every detox programme requires you to drink plenty of water.

Of course, improving your diet by consuming plenty more fruits and vegetables is also important. But nothing flushes toxins quite like water.

The alkaline water benefit means that you aren’t just flushing toxins but also helping to alkalise your body at the same time.

This is why many detox programs suggest you buy an alkaline water machine to make sure you can add this to your regimen.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (16)

Bonus Point: How To Get The Best Natural Alkaline Water

It is possible to buy natural alkaline water in a bottle. However, what happens when you run out? Also, endless trips to the store is both inconvenient and expensive in the long run.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (17)You could even make alkaline water yourself but this can take several hours and you’re never quite sure of the quality of what you’re producing.

The only way to guarantee you can always drink alkaline water and ensure its quality is to get a alkaline water machine.

Yes, it is very expensive upfront but it is a one-time purchase and a small price to pay for a lifetime access to natural alkaline water full of antioxidants.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (18)I have reviewed many alkaline water machines but my favourites are the ACE-13 and UCE-13 PLUS.They let you:

  • Select the exact level of alkalinity you want.
  • Have powerful water filters (unlike most alkaline machines which have none).
  • Give you total peace of mind with a Forever Lifetime Warranty!
ACE-13 (Above the Counter) Alkaline & Hydrogen Water MachineUCE-13 (Under the Counter) Alkaline Water & Hydrogen Machine with Faucet Above Counter
6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (19)6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (20)
Counter top machine connected to tap faucet ONLY.Under counter unit WITH counter top touchscreen faucet.
3 Acidic, 4 Alkaline, 1 Turbo (for both alkaline and acidic output) 1 Neutral. Fully adjustable with 99 presets per level.3 Acidic, 3 Alkaline, 1 Turbo (for both alkaline and acidic output) 1 Neutral. Fully adjustable with 99 presets per level.
1.7 - 12.0 pH Range.1.7 - 12.0 pH Range.
Up to negative -1050Up to negative -1050
x2 with .01 micronx2 with .01 micron
Tyent YT ACE 13 also works with a double membrane 0.01 micron active carbon / EM ceramics filter combined with a 10 Stage UltraFilter (UF) Membrane Filter.Tyent Rettin UCE-13 Turbo works with a double Membrane 0.01 micron active carbon / EM ceramics filter combined with a 10 Stage UltraFilter (UF) Membrane Filter.
Filters last 9 months or 3600 litres (approximately).Filters last 9 months or 3600 litres (approximately).
Hydrogen Boost Technology? YESHydrogen Boost Technology? YES
x13 mesh/solid hybrid plates baked and dipped.x13 mesh/solid hybrid plates baked and dipped.
100-240V a.c 50/60 Hz100-240V a.c 50/60 Hz
Voice operation system with MP3 sound quality.Voice operation system with MP3 sound quality.
Counter top ionizer: 14in (W) x 5-3/8in (D) x 14in (H)Under counter ionizer: 14in (W) x 5-3/8in (D) x 14in (H)
Counter top faucet dispenser: 11.5in (H) x 2in (D)
Weight: 5.5 kgUndersink body: 6.9 kg
Tap faucet: 0.5 kg
1 - 5 bar (water pressure).1 - 5 bar (water pressure).
Flood prevention safety sensor.Flood prevention safety sensor.
LIFETIME warranty when you buy direct and use code: WaterGeekLIFETIME warranty when you buy direct and use code: WaterGeek
6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (21)6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (22)
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6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (23)6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (24)

Scientific References

Electrolyzed-reduced water protects against oxidative damage to DNA, RNA, and protein. (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 234, 269174, 1997)

Dawson-Hughes B, Harris SS, Ceglia L. Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2008;87(3):662–665.

Vormann J, Worlitschek M, Goedecke T, Silver B. Supplementation with alkaline minerals reduces symptoms in patients with chronic low back pain. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2001;15(2-3):179–183. [PubMed]

Krishnan K & Carrier R. Approaches for evaluation the relevance of multiroute exposures in establishing guideline values for drinking water contaminants. J Environmental Science

Health Part C 2008;26:300-316.Minich DM & Bland JS. Acid-alkaline balance: Role in chronic disease and detoxification. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2007;13:62-65.

6 Real Benefits and The Biggest Lies About Alkaline Water (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.